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Date: Thu, 31 Aug 95 09:36 CDT
From: johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank)
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com (lightwave)
Subject: Re: TBC VI problem...
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on 30-Aug-95 08:43:38, Adrian Onsen (aonsen@sentex.net) Emailed:
> I have the TBC VI software, but I can't get it working.... I
> selelcted PAR from the requester besides the baud rate, and still none
> of the controls work.... How come?
> Adrian Onsen
> aonsen@sentex.net
If you are using the PAR setting, you must also have the DIP switch on the
TBC-IV board itself set to the 9600 baud setting, or the PAR control